It is a “sword strike of kindness” used when the enemy willingly surrenders. Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought ( 伍 ( ご ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 干 ( かん ) 天 ( てん ) の 慈 ( じ ) 雨 ( う ), Go no kata: Kanten no Jiu ?) - The user changes the grip on their sword and decapitates the opponent in a single flowing strike that causes little to no pain.The user increases the quantity of consecutive strikes and slashes along with improving its accuracy in order to contact a specific target during a chaotic situation. Striking Tide, Turbulent ( 打 ( う ) ち 潮 ( しお ) ・ 乱 ( らん ), Uchishio - Ran ?) - An improved version of the Fourth Form: Striking Tide.Fourth Form: Striking Tide ( 肆 ( し ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 打 ( う ) ち 潮 ( しお ), Shi no kata: Uchishio ?) - The user makes multiple consecutive slashes while twisting their body and sword in a flowing fashion to deliver multiple blows simultaneously.Third Form: Flowing Dance ( 参 ( さん ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 流 ( りゅう ) 流 ( りゅう ) 舞 ( ま ) い, San no kata: Ryūryū Mai ?) - The user swings and bends their blade in a winding motion along with their body and dances in a flowing pattern, slicing everything in its path.Second Form: Improved, Lateral Water Wheel ( 弐 ( に ) ノ 型 ( かた ) ・ 改 ( かい ) 横 ( よこ ) 水 ( みず ) 車 ( ぐるま ), Ni no kata kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma ?) - An alternate variation of Second Form: Water Wheel created by Tanjiro Kamado that unleashes a horizontal spin instead of a vertical one.

Second Form: Water Wheel ( 弐 ( に ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( みず ) 車 ( ぐるま ), Ni no kata: Mizu Guruma ?) - The user leaps and vertically spins forward in the air while releasing a flowing attack in a circular motion.First Form: Water Surface Slash ( 壱 ( いち ) ノ 型 ( かた ) 水 ( みな ) 面 ( も ) 斬 ( ぎ ) り, Ichi no kata: Minamo Giri ?) - The user generates enough momentum to create a powerful single concentrated slash.

Water Breathing has 10 techniques, with an eleventh one created and exclusively used by the current Water Hashira, Giyu Tomioka along with numerous modified versions of pre-existing forms.

A known Cultivator of Water Breathing in the Demon Slayer Corps is Sakonji Urokodaki, though there are other Cultivators as well. It is said to be the most common Breathing Style among Demon Slayers due to being the easiest to learn for beginners. This Breathing Style was originally created by one of Yoriichi Tsugikuni's students who attempted to learn Sun Breathing, but due to not being as innately talented as Yoriichi, they were instead taught and trained an alternative personalized Breathing Style that focused on their strengths and weaknesses, eventually becoming Water Breathing. Users also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating water when unleashing its techniques. Most, if not all, known techniques involve the user bending their body, arm and weapon in a fluid motion to match the movements of rushing or flowing water. Water Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics water, specifically the flow, flexibility and adaptability of the liquid and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.